Too many mothers die in birth. Too many children’s lives are lost due to preventable problems. Directed attention to this global injustice...
For most Africans, basic clinical care is simply not available. By clinical care, we mean what most people in developed countries...
To realize a future of growing, sustainable, and vibrant health systems in Africa, qualified and compassionate health professionals...
Infectious diseases still exert a tremendous burden across Africa. The HIV epidemic has ravaged East and Southern Africa...
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Training is core to all that AMH does. We have a wide range of programs focused on HIV and tuberculosis clinical care; the education of surgeons, doctors, nurses, anesthetists, and nurse anesthetists; and the development of other health professionals supporting operations and administration.
While Christian medical missionaries and mission hospitals in Africa have proven very effective, support from their traditional sources has been waning. These Christian missionary physicians commit their entire careers towards treating patients, training African colleagues, creating systems and building institutions in very difficult conditions throughout sub-Saharan Africa. They routinely do what their colleagues in the United States regard as impossible when they learn about it. We believe that they provide an excellent foundation to build upon and warrant more support and investment. AMH provides them with much-needed resources, enabling these missionary physicians, their African colleagues, and the mission hospitals they serve, to provide quality and compassionate care for the African poor.